This weekend the class of M5C, directed by Erick Gallani present ‘Night in Bed’. Presentations: 29/6 ,30/6 ,1/7

This weekend the class of M5C, directed by Erick Gallani present ‘Night in Bed’. Presentations: 29/6 ,30/6 ,1/7
Flash Mob with students of Making Musicals at the food court at Shopping Frei Caneca – SP.
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11/5 and 18/5 days the class of M6A, directed by Ruy Cortez, show ‘Comedy Time’.
Twenty students were lucky enough to have been able to attend the exclusive cabin for the film “Praia do Futuro”, followed by…
The class of M6B, directed by Sergio Ferrara, present ‘Waiting for Godot’ on days 5,6,7 / 5
This weekend the class of M6C, directed by Marco Antonio Pamio present ‘Snake in the Fridge’. Presentations: 28,29,30 / 4
Leopoldo Pacheco and Melissa Vettore actors were at the Wolf Maya’s Actors School in Rio de Janeiro, for a body expression workshop and interpretation….
Com um workshop sobre atuação e casting, a Escola de Atores Wolf Maya recebeu no último dia 15 de março o…
The Goodbye Ceremony The Wolf Maya’s Actors School promoted last Saturday 9th a dramatic reading exercise with students and teachers. The proposal to…
Actor Dan Stulbach was in Actors Wolf Maya School last Saturday for an exclusive lecture. Dan told his life story, his…
Our former student, Marjorie Estiano, was at the Wolf Maya’s Actors School on Saturday for an exclusive lecture. Marjorie told her story,…